Opportunities in 2024

League teams
Moore Park Tennis Club fields teams in 4 leagues,
Sign up for the spring team tryouts under Events> Teams and tournaments.
Team selection is based on tryout results, previous years' results, and team commitment.
Team policies are below.
To assure maximum participation, members must pick one team as their primary team.
To make a team, players must attend at least one tryout.
If tryouts are held indoors, players who commit to tryouts, will be charged any applicable court fees whether you show up or not.
Teams' practices are restricted to team players, including regular roster players and official substitutes.
In order to avoid defaults, captains may draw players from other club teams when necessary and when permissible under the respective League rules. Players may be drawn from other club members only after confirming the unavailability of all regular team members and substitutes.
You must be a member to tryout.
Social tennis
Round Robins
The Club will host round robins on
Friday evening from last week of April through to the end of June.
Wednesday evenings in July to September.
Sign up at the clubhouse from 6 PM
Play (30 minute rotations) from 7 - 9 PM
House League
Sunday Evenings 6-8 PM
A House League will run on Sunday evenings.
Signup will be on Court Reserve under Events> Club Social Activity .
Find a Partner To Play With!
From a web browser, (this is not available on the app) login to Court Reserve and click on the Find a Partner link under the Club Info header.

If you are not on the list, get on it by entering the following fields in your Court Reserve profile.
All 4 fields are mandatory to be put on the list:
Rating (not 00-Not Rated)
Available for a Tennis Game?
When are you Available for a Tennis Game?
Type of Match

Club competition
Annual Club Tournaments
All the Club Tournaments are in September.
Signup will be on Court Reserve under Events> Teams and tournaments.
Types and numbers of draws will depend on entries.
MPTC is running the following ladders this year.
Men's Singles Ladders
Women's Singles Ladder
Men's Doubles Ladder
Women's Doubles Ladder
Mixed Doubles Ladder
Login to Court Reserve,
From a browser (like Chrome, Edge, or Safari), hover your cursor over the Club info tab, then click on Ladders and follow instructions.
From phone, tap >> Club info. Tap >> Ladders and follow instructions.
(Members only.)